Saturday, March 10, 2018


Since Nick and I have decided on an idea and we are sure we are not going to change it, we have began to storyboard. A storyboard is a sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue, representing the shots planned for a movie or television production. With a storyboard, we can visualize each scene in our film opening, also allowing the production phase to be smooth and quick. Storyboards will help us organize our shots so we already have an idea of shots and angles we want to shoot. This way the filming process will be quicker and easier and we can spend more time on editing and fixing our errors in order to make our film opening perfect. So far we have only created a few scenes in our storyboard and we will keep adding more scenes as we think of more ideas.

But yesterday as Nick and I were creating our storyboard we ran into a problem, neither of us can draw. We researched other ways to create storyboard without drawing and we found an article called:How to make great storyboards, even if you can’t draw. The article showed us new ways to create storyboards such as writing a proposed storyboard or making storyboards with an app. The only problem was that some of these apps cost money and we tried to write a proposed storyboard but we are both visual learners so we could not see what the other one was thinking. But then we realized that we do not have to turn the storyboard in, it is only a tool for us to use, so with the best of our ability we drew the storyboard and it did not come out half bad!

Nick and I have also not thought of a title yet. We tried to brainstorm of a few ideas but 
none of them were good enough. We want our title to stand out from every other film, in order to do this we have to think of a unique name or think of a clever phrase. A good title is important because they can make or break your film. Today people have millions of options on what movies they want to watch. A good title can make your film stand out from the rest and be chosen. Nick and I are going to keep thinking of title names until we get the perfect 

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